The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar

Power and Duties

Major Functions and Powers


As per sections 12, 13 and 37 of the Public Leaders’ Code of Ethics Act, the Commission has, among others, the following functions and powers/mandate

      • To receive and put in its custody declarations of assets made by Public Leaders under the Public Leaders’ Code of Ethics Act, No. 4 of 2015;
      • To receive allegations and notifications of breach of the Code of Ethics from the public;
      • To make inquiry into any alleged and or suspected breach of the Code of Ethics by any Public Leader;
      • To receive, investigate and entertain any complaint concerning breach of the Code of Ethics in any public body;
      • To investigate the conduct of any leader that, in the opinion of the Commission, is conducive to breach of ethics under the Public Leaders’ Code of Ethics Act, No. 4 of 2015;
      • To hear and determine all allegations of breach of Public Code of Ethics to Public Leaders; and
      • To educate the public on the importance of Code of Ethics.


      • To authorise any officer of the Commission to conduct any inquiry or investigation into any alleged or suspected breach of the Public Leaders’ Code of Ethics Act, No. 4 of 2015;
      • To require any person or institution to provide any information or to answer any question or to produce any document or records as may be required; and
      • To inspect any bank account which the Commission wants to verify its accounts, share account, purchase accounts, any other safe or deposit book in a bank.